Valvindo Megah Odoo Versi 13.0-20230607
Informasi tentang Valvindo Megah contoh Odoo, Sumber terbuka.
Aplikasi diinstal
- Situs Web
- Enterprise website builder
- Proyek
- Organize and schedule your projects
- Stok Persediaan
- Manage your stock and logistics activities
- Penagihan
- Invoices & Payments
- eCommerce
- Sell your products online
- Karyawan
- Centralize employee information
- Absensi
- Track employee attendance
- Perekrutan
- Track your recruitment pipeline
- Kontak
- Centralize your address book
- Skills Management
- Kelola kemampuan, pengetahuan, dan ringkasan keahlian pegawai Anda
- Diskusi
- Chat, mail gateway and private channels
- Backmate Configuration Base
- Backmate configuration base comes in Backmate Backend Theme Basics depends only.
- Backmate Backend Theme Basics
- Backmate Backend Theme Basics is a fully functional, flexible, fast, lightweight, animated and modern multipurpose theme.
- Biometric Attendance Device
- Integrate all kinds of ZKTeco based attendance devices with Odoo
- Survei
- Create surveys and analyze answers
- Kalender
- Schedule employees' meetings
- Blog
- Publish blog posts, announces, news
- Online Jobs
- Manage your online hiring process